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Saturday, January 28, 2017

10 List of Trees Mythology Has Mystery in it.

Tahu Bunshin - In our lives a lot of secrets or myths that exist, regardless of whether it's fact or just a myth. And in an age that now these myths may sound very silly, especially not a few of us who believe in the myth. On this occasion bermisteri will discuss a little knowledge of the legends in the world of trees have myths or legends that are well known. There are some trees that mythological and not to conduct worship him, but there are also trees naman and physical characteristics are identical to what is in a particular religious scriptures. The following 10 List of Trees Mythology Has Mystery in it.

Mythology Trees Jubokko

Based on the legend of the Japanese people, before approaching the tree Jubokko we have to look twice at the tree. Many people argue that this tree can deceive anyone, when seen from a distance looked like a normal tree. However, if you look closely enough this tree, you will find the branches that look very strange and seemed able to capture something even yourself. If you pay attention to the base of the tree Jubokko this, you will see the bulges like human remains that have been piling up.

Mythology Trees Lotus

One tree is known by other names lotus and certainly is something real. This tree, has a well-known myth that comes from the Greeks about a young goddess by the name "Lotus". According to the story, the young goddess turns into a tree to protect itself from attack other god named Priapus.

In the legend of Homer was also told that when Odysseus and his men were in the land of Lotus Eaters they eat the fruit from the Tree of Lotus. After eating the fruit, Odysseus and his men became forget about the world. This myth led to the emergence istila "Lotus Eater" which describes people who live a luxurious lifestyle but have a life meaningless.

Mythology Trees Sky-High

Legend of a tree which then came from Hungary. The story begins from a shepherd boy who slipped into the king's estate. The shepherd boy accidentally saw a magnificent tree and decided to climb the tree. When he has managed to be on top of the Tree Sky-High, the child saw the road to the sky there terdabat several churches, castles, and the scenery is very beautiful. Therefore, the mythological tree named Sky-Hight.

Oak Tree Mythology

Based on the legend of the Greek nation, Oak Tree has a real history. This legend appears in the story of the Argonauts, Jason ordered by the gods to use a branch from an oak tree as part of the construction of the ship, to make the journey safer.

Meanwhile, according to the Greek myth of Oak Tree is one of the first prophecy of Zeus in ancient times. The tree itself is not able to speak in human language, but like a tree out there, the leaves will rustle when exposed to the wind and make noise.

Mythology tree Zaqqum

Legend of the next tree is not just a legend, because of the existence of the Tree of Zaqqum contained in the Qur'an. This tree is said to be made from a Fire whose fruit resembles the head Jinn or demons. The smell of the fruit of this tree is rotten, and supplied to the diet of the inhabitants of hell.

After the inhabitants of hell eat fruit from the Tree of Zaqqum, they will be given a drink of liquid boil until all members badanya lantah yield. beriku verses that mention the existence of the Tree of Zaqqum.

"(Food Paradise) Is that better dish or the tree of Zaqqum? We have made the tree Zaqqum a torment for those who do wrong. Verily it is a tree that is to the outside and bottom of hell are burning. Mayangnya as head of the devil-devil. then indeed they actually ate some of the fruit of the tree, so they filled his belly with fruit Zaqqum. then, after eating the tree Zaqqum sure they got the drinks were mixed with very hot water. (as-Shafaat 37: 62- 67 ). "

"... And (remember) when We revealed to you:" Surely (science) your Lord encompasses all human beings ", and we do not make the dream that we showed you, but as a test for humans and (so did) the Cursed Tree in the Qur'an, and We frighten them, but it only increases their inordinate transgression. (Al-Israa 17:60). "

"Verily the tree of Zaqqum, food of the sinner. (Ia) as dirt oil boiling in the stomach, such as boiling water very hot. (Ad-Dhukan 44: 43-46). "

"Then ye hai people astray deniers, really will eat Zaqqum tree, and will satisfy your stomach with it. (Al Waqi'aah 56: 51-53). "

Mythology Trees Jinmenju

This myth of the existence of this tree comes from the State Japan. Jinmenju tree is said to be thriving in mountainous areas are typically far from human settlements. The unique part of this tree is that the fruit is shaped like a human face. In fact there are some people who see the fruits of that laugh when someone passed by.

Trees mythology Yggdrasil

In Norse mythology, Yggdrasil is a tree of life, which is very great and sacred that connects the nine worlds in Norse cosmology. Sometimes called Mímameiðr or Lérað. At branches located Asgard, Vanaheim, and Alfheim. Located on the trunk of the human world called Midgard, which Jotunheim (the world of the giants) are also located in the vicinity, and underneath lies Nidhavellir also called Svartálfheim. Third world roots penetrate three named Hel, Niflheim, and Muspelheim, although only the first world who obtained springs Yggdrasil.

Yggdrasil appears in the mythology of Ragnarok. In the mythology of the only two humans who escaped from Ragnarok, called Lif and Lifthrasir, taking refuge in the branches of Yggdrasil. Where they lived from dew and protected by the tree.

Mythology Trees Nariphon

In a folk tale that comes from Thailand said that there is a princess exiled Himvanti forestry, where the princess find fruiting trees and very similar to women.

According to the story, the purpose of the Tree Nariphon is to protect the princess from all kinds of danger when he crosses the forest.

Mythology Banyan tree (banyan tree)

Who does not know the banyan tree, this tree is one type of tree where the Buddha sat under it, according to some legends, there are many beliefs that persist to this day about the miraculous properties of the banyan tree.

There is one story about a father whose children took fruit from the tree. And then the child was told to open one of the fruits which he picked up and told his father what he saw.

He explained that he did not see anything other than fruit seeds, and his father explained that from tiny seed grows the tree that big (banyan tree / banyan).

Mythology Trees Kalpa

Kalpa tree, known by the name of Kalpavriksha, has called the tree of hope. But the legend of the myth that is actually much more complex than a mere hope alone. In India, Kalpa tree is believed to have gods who can grant all requests or expectations, because through this tree, people can be directly connected to their Lord.

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