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Friday, January 27, 2017

"White Pyramid" Building Mysterious Still Being debate

Tahu Bunshin - China pyramid is a pyramid discovered accidentally by James Gaussman, a US Air Force pilot in 1945. Pyramid of China located in Xi'an City, Qin Chuan, Shaanxi Province, China. According Gaussman, he saw the top of a pyramid of white light while flying between India and China.

His testimony was published in the New York Times on March 28, 1947, as news comes with the photo. Pyramid is seen Gaussman believed to be the largest pyramid in the world throughout history. Pyramid in the forbidden zone of China, Qin Lin's height reaches 1,000 feet made of a mixture of soil and clay. Pyramid called "White Pryramid" at the beginning of its existence denied by the Chinese government. But the denial did not dampen the interest of tourists to visit the region, and some even tried to climb, and a peek of the pyramid.

After all trying to cover it up with trees, the government finally admitted White Pyramid to Bruce Cathie, a New Zealand national authors. In his book, Cathie writes information about the White Pyramid. He revealed that in fact the first to know the existence of the White Pyramid is an American merchant named Fred Meyer Schroder.

Schroder pramida climb it and ask directly to the guides that no other monk. According to information obtained, there is a 5,000 year old royal document contains information about the pyramids. Document also describes the age pyramid turned out to be older than ever. Schroder wrote in his private journal, he stated that the pyramid was so large, but unknown to the western world.

Based on the size via Google Earth, Pyramid Mousoleum mauling it stretches 222 to 217 meters above the ground to a height of approximately 46 meters. Mousoleum Shi Huang-ti famous is located 50km east toward measuring 354-357 meters and 488-581 meters around the complex size. Pyramid China is said to be 100 ancestral burial mostly located in Xi'an City 100km. But the tomb is more rectangular than the pyramids.

White Pyramid consists of four sides of a trapezoid, rectangular plateau on the summit and also on the bottom of the rectangle. White Pyramida shape similar to the pyramids in Egypt and Mexico. But experts doubt, they argue it is merely pagoda building, a building shaped like a temple or a building which conical shape.

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